Friends Indeed


I have been trying to get some sleep for the past two hours, and I still can't get myself to sleep. I have been tossing and turning from one end of my bed, to the other.

I checked the clock on my bedside table; it was past midnight. Why can't I sleep?

Thoughts of Aminu, and what happened the last time we met, filled my head, I don't know why, but I couldn't get myself to stop thinking about him. Probably it was because I felt guilty for walking out on him the way I did, I know I shouldn't have done that, but sometimes, I always act before I even think about my actions.

Tommorow is the day that we are supposed to be going on a boat cruise together. Earlier today, he sent me a text message, asking me to confirm my availability for tomorrow.And I still haven't sent him a reply.

He planned this cruise with my friend Miriam, so he can go take his availability check from her. Nobody should stress me.