
"Wait, what prompted you girls to google him in the first place?" I asked.

"Have you forgotten we all agreed to always do a background check on any guy, any of us would be going with for the first time?" Laurel asked.

"I know, but this isn't the first I'm going out with him."

"Well we didn't know how serious this was, until Miriam spoke to him over the phone, and came to tell us." Blessing said.


"Sorry Lou, I really couldn't help it."

"Enough with the talking for now, Louisa you have to go take your bath. Blessing please bless us, by making for us some your sweet pancakes, while I and Miriam go help Lou get prepared."

"Okay, sure, Louisa you have all the ingredients for pancake right?"

"Yes they are in the top cabinet."

Miriam and Laurel both led me to go take my bath.