Securing The Bag

Two days after our boat cruise, I received a package in my office, in it was a bone straight human hair, which was way longer than the one I had lost at the sea. I checked the note that came with the package:

I'm sorry you had to lose your precious hair at the cruise, here is another one to replace it.

PS. I know you might have considered going back to look for the one you lost, please don't do it.


I laughed at the last sentence, because that thought had actually crossed my mind.

I picked up my phone, and dialed his number.

"Hello good afternoon."

"Hi Louisa, good afternoon."

"I got the hair, thank you."

"You are welcome, and I meant I said in the note."

"What exactly?" I pretended not to know what he was talking about.

"Please read the note again, and you will know what I'm talking about."

"I just did, in fact it's right in front of me, and I can't see what you are talking about."