
"Oh my God, my hair!" I yelped, running after it, to see if I could could catch it, but it was already too late, my hair and hat were both in water floating away.

Aminu ran after me, "Louisa!"

The hair didn't look too far away from the yacht, I thought of jumping into the water to get it back, and that didn't seem much like a bad idea to me, so I tried climbing the railing of the yacht, but Aminu was quick enough to stop me.

"Louisa stop, what are you trying to do?" He questioned.

"Tell the captain to stop the boat." I said to Aminu.


"I need to get in the water and get my hair back. Please tell the captain to stop."

He chuckled, "you are joking right?"

"No I'm not, why would I be joking? You are wasting time, let me just___"

"There is no way, I'm allowing you to do that." He held me by my waist, and brought me down.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him.