
I completely ignored my phone, and acted like I couldn't hear it ring. Whoever the person is that is calling me by this time, can call me back later, or I will call him or her back later. I have waited long for this moment, and now that it's finally here, I can't allow myself to be distracted. closing my eyes, I leaned closer to Aminu.

"Uhmmm.. aren't you going to take that?" Aminu asked, causing me to open my eyes and realize he was looking at me with a funny expression on his face.

"Oh..Yeah, sorry let me take this." I took my phone, and left the kitchen to the sitting room to answer my call.

Trust my mother to always pick a wrong time to call.

My mother has this habit of calling someone, and then spending the first thirty seconds of the call talking to someone else at the background.

"Hello mummy?"