Away From The Norm

Laurel was looking at us like we were all dumb.

"Wait don't tell me none of you are thinking in that direction?"

"I'm not thinking in that direction." Miriam said.

"And neither am I." Blessing concurred.

"Well that's you, but as for me I think he might be impotent, if not why else would he say he doesn't want sex until after marriage? For a cute guy like him, I think something is fishy."

"Didn't you hear the part where she said he is a genuine born again Christian?" Miriam asked her.

"I don't believe that whole born again stuff he is saying, I think it's a lie."

"And why is that? Because he is a man? Blessing is born again and she is celibate, so why do you think it's impossible for a man to do same? The Bible never said celibacy was meant for a particular gender." Said Miriam.