
Aminu was laughing hard as we spoke on the phone.

"So what you are trying to tell me is that you are praying for something similar to happen to me so you can laugh at me?" Aminu asked me as he continued to laugh.

"Yes or even something worse, because I have to get back my own pound of flesh."

"But it's not my fault what happened to you happened."

"Even at that, I will still get back my own pound of flesh."

"You are really something else." He said chuckling.

"But on a serious note, I'm sorry I had to embrass myself in front of you like that." I apologized to him.

"Oh come on, what are you apologizing for? It was an accident and accidents happen all the time, it could happen to anyone, just that yours happen to be a funny one." He started laughing again.

"Aminu stop laughing, it's embarrassing."

"I'm sorry, I won't laugh about it anymore." He said trying to hold his laughter.

"You are still laughing."