Crisis Filled Day

The first thing I did when I woke up the next morning, was to check my phone to see if Aminu had called me. But to my surprise, there was no missed call from him, and neither was a message from him.

How would he call me when he is with another woman? As I remembered the girl who had picked his call last night I felt a fresh burst of anger. A part of me wanted to believe he wasn't cheating on me, probably the girl was just a friend, but then I remembered this was how I kept seeing the signs of cheating in my relationship with Adams, but I kept ignoring it, believing he wouldn't cheat on me. I didn't want to make same mistake twice.

I dragged myself out of bed and went to have my bath, so I could prepare fo hir work. As I showered I kept wondering why Aminu would do this to me, if it was because of what happened on Sunday, I already apologized to him and he told me himself that he wasn't angry, so what happened?