
"Doctor please can I go home today?" I asked the doctor as he was about leaving my room.

"No ma, we will have to keep you here and observe you at least until tomorrow, before we can know if to discharge you."

"So you mean I would have to spend the night here?" I asked him with a look of horror.

"Yes you would have to spend the night here ma'am, don't worry our nurses will be on standby to attend to your every need. All you need is press that button close to your bed."

After the doctor left my room, I started feeling a bit dizzy and decided to sleep.

When I woke up it was already evening, and was feeling hungry. I pressed the button close to my bedside like the doctor said and a nurse came into my room and she helped me to get something for to eat.

I was eating when my boss walked into.

"Good evening ma." I greeted her