Lack Of Communication

Louisa's POV

"Aminu I really don't think I should go to your place with you. If you are worried about me being alone I can go to any of my friend's place." I said to him, still holding his daughter on my laps.

"Okay if that's what you want, give them a call then. Let whoever you want to stay with, come and pick you and if they can't come, then I will go drop you off at the person's place, but I can't leave you go alone."

I picked up my phone and dialed three of my friends, but they all chose that moment not to be by their phones because none of them picked.

"None of them are picking." I said to Aminu who was watching me.

"It's settled then you are coming with us."

"No I really don't think that's a good idea."

"Louisa please just come with us, that's the only way my mind can be at rest."

"Aunty please come with us." The little girl on my laps pleaded.