My Fears

Louisa's POV

I still had my head on Aminu's chest, and I could hear his heartbeat, his hands were on my back, and we were both silent.

"Aminu I'm scared." I said after a while.

He tilted his head to the side so he could have a better look at my face. "what are you scared of?" He asked, his so gentle.

"I'm scared of so many things."

"Okay, let's start with one of them then."

"I'm scared myself, I'm scared that I might ruin our relationship with my assumptions."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because....., I don't know I just feel I might do something silly...."

"Shh...., you don't have to say that, babe you are not going to ruin anything."

He changed his sitting position so he was facing me.