Control Freak

Ruby stared at the watery pap that was in bowl for a while, before looking at me.

"Aunty Lou Lou you don't know how to make pap?" She asked me with her eyes widened.

"Er... Of course I can make pap it's just that...em.."

How am I supposed to explain to her that pap isn't as easy to prepare, as her father makes it seem?

Oh God I feel like I'm the five year old, and Ruby is the adult because of the way she is looking at me.

This girl is definitely an old woman in a little child's body.

"Why is the pap looking this way? This is not how my daddy makes it for me."

She looked she was going to cry any minute.

I quickly placed my hands on her little shoulders, "don't worry I'm going to make it the same way your daddy does okay? Why don't you go back to watching your cartoon?"

"But I'm hungry, I want pap." She replied with a teary eye.