Choosing To Bear

Miriam's POV

I watched as Oscar approached me with so much anger in his eyes.

"How dare you try to flaunt my orders? I'm telling you something instead of you to obey, you are busy arguing with me!"

"No babe I... I wasn't arguing with you, I was just trying to explain to you...." I was already breathing hard as my heart rate increased from fear.

"You are trying to be stubborn right?" He pulled out his belt from his trouser.

"No, no I'm not. Please...."

With the way he approached me, you would think I'm a thief who stole something from him.

I started walking backwards trying to get away from him. I needed to get away from him. The scars I got from his previous beating hasn't healed yet, and now he wants to beat me again.

"Oscar please don't do this....I wasn't trying to be stubborn."

I pleaded with him I as I tried to escape from him. He didn't say anything, he just kept walking towards me like he was possessed with a spirit.