Being Rescued

I was shaking in fear as I held the phone to my ear. Oscar already saw my car parked outside, and he is waiting for me to come out.

If he sees me coming out from this house he is going to assume the worst. How do I explain to him that I only came here to rest while I waited for the mechanic to finish working on my car?

"Are you okay? Is anything the matter?" Liam asked me, as he noticed the look of fear on my face.

"Miriam who is that?!" Oscar demanded in anger.

Oh God this just got worse, now he is going to kill me.

"It's nobody." I quickly replied.

"Miriam I heard a man's voice just now. Miriam you are cheating on me isn't it? You lied to me about going to meet with the cake vendor so that you can go and meet with another man right?!" Oscar was already raising his voice.

"No Oscar I'm not cheating on you, the thing that happened is...."