Finally Leaving

Liam led me back into the house. While Sam his brother went in search of the mechanic, for him to come finish repairing my car, as he has been trying to reach him on the phone, but he wasn't picking up.

When we got to the sitting, Liam placed his both hands on my shoulders.

"Calm down, he is not going to be able to hurt here. Okay?"

"I'm calm, I'm calm." I said looking at the floor.

"You are shivering are you cold? Do I get you a blanket or something warm to drink?" He asked, his voice showing how genuinely concerned he was for me.

"No I'm fine, I just...I just.." I felt ashamed, I never believed Oscar would disgrace me like that in public.

"Sorry, come here." Liam pulled me into a hug. 

"What is going on outside? I saw some people gathered out...."

We both pulled out from the hug and turned to look at the person who was talking.