Letting Things Flow

Miriam's POV

After the girls left my place and all went back to their apartments, and I was finally alone, so I decided to give Liam a call for the second time, since he didn't pick the first time and didn't call back. I needed to apologise to him for my actions.

I called him twice but he still didn't pick up, so I decided not to leave him alone, he was obviously still angry at me and didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore. I really don't blame him, after what I did I'm not surprised at his action. I knew what I did was wrong and I shouldn't said all what I said. 

I was preparing to go to bed when my phone rang. I picked it up and it was Liam.

"Hi." I answered with a shaky voice, I was a bit but nervous.

"Hello so sorry I have been missing your calls, I was on call throughout the whole day and I had a lot of patients to attend to, that's why I couldn't take your calls when you were calling." He sounded really tired.