Happy To Spend Time

I had just woken up and was about to go have my bath so I could prepare for work, when Aminu called.

"Hello baby." His voice sounded a bit hoarse, an indication that he just woke up as well.

"Good morning handsome." I said with a little bit of excitement, as I laid back in bed forgetting that I'm supposed to be having my bath.

"Good morning to you too beauty, did you sleep well?" He asked me.

"Yes I did, considering what happened last night, my body was worn out."

"You went out with your girls last night?" He asked.

"Yeah something like that, but not the type of outing you have in mind." I said, smiling as I remembered the little escapade that we had.

"So what type of outing was it then?"

"I would tell you about it when we see." I replied.

"Good a thing we are seeing this morning, so you can tell me all about it."