Just A Dinner

As I went about preparing dinner, I couldn't stop thinking that probably I was overdoing things. A 'thank you' over the phone or even a text message would have been enough, there was no need for me to have invited him over for dinner.

"Or is there more to this?" I paused to ask myself, am I really developing feelings for Liam like Louisa had said? "No I can't be developing feelings for him, I just met him." What sort of lady would that make me if I started developing feelings for him?

It was almost 7pm, and the rice was almost ready, I lowered the heat and went to shower and changed into a simple dress.

Liam sent me a text; "I am at your door."

I went to open the door for him and he was standing there, neatly dressed in a white polo and a black jeans, he was holding a fancy gift pack in one hand.

"Hi." I said to him as I opened the door a bit wider for him to come inside.

"Hello, good evening." He smiled at me.