Almost Did It

After we left my office we were stuck in traffic for almost an hour, making us get our destination by some minutes past seven.

It was a fancy restaurant that was located beside the beach. When we got inside, we were ushered to the rooftop of the restaurant which had the same setting just like the restaurant downstairs, but we happened to be the only ones there, I know Aminu must have paid for us to have it just to ourselves.

"I have never had a rooftop dinner before." I said to Aminu as he helped me to bring out my chair for me to sit.

"Well you are about to have one today." He dropped a peck on my cheek before going to have his seat opposite me.

A waitress came in with a trolley bearing different types of dishes which she set on our table, and by the time she was done there was barely enough space for our glasses on the table.