Resuming Church

Louisa's POV

It was on a Sunday morning, and since we all agreed that we were going to attend church together this weekend, we were all in my car driving down to a church Miriam had found online for us to attend.

"I really don't know why we are doing this, when we could all be cuddled up in our beds doing something productive." Laurel said for the umpteenth time since we picked her up.

"And by 'something productive' you mean sleeping?" Miriam asked her.

"And what is so wrong about sleeping?" Laurel retorted.

"I don't know, you tell me." Miriam said back to her.

"Laurel I think we should just go, we all agreed to do this remember? You might end up enjoying the service." Blessing calmly said to Laurel.

"I hope so, if not I'm out!" Laurel said.

I turned to look at her at the back seat, "how do you mean you are out? I'm your ride back home remember?"