Just a Movie

Louisa's POV

We all decided to stop by at Miriam's place to help her pick out what to wear for her date with Liam.

"A brother he is not using? Seriously Laurel?" Miriam asked Laurel as we entered her apartment.

As we remembered Laurel's actions, we all started laughing.

Miriam continued, "I used to think Louisa was the crazy one."

"She still is, I think Laurel is just learning how to become crazy." Blessing said, still laughing.

"Miriam I'm sorry to embarrass you like that." Laurel apologized.

"It's okay." Miriam said to her.

"So Miriam, I thought you said you didn't want to jump into dating for now, because you aren't over Oscar yet and haven't healed completely from that relationship?" I asked her.

"Em.. no this isn't really a date." She tried to downplay it.

"Hmm, oh really? If it's not a date, so what is it then?" Laurel asked her.