You Are Mine

"If you say over your dead body, then your wish is my command. But then I know you are angry and just saying all these in anger, so I will just ignore that comment." He spoke so casually you would think he was talking to a child.

This made me even more angry. "Why did you put a tracker in my car and then decided to stop the car from working while I was on the middle of the road?"

"I have told you to watch your tone when talking to me, I won't repeat myself again."

I stood staring at Oscar in anger as he continued to drink.

"I am not going to marry you Oscar, never! That is never going to happen, the wedding has been called off, so you had better wake up from this dream of yours because it will never be a reality."

Oscar slowly stood up and walked up to me, a sinister smile on his face. "You went to see that guy right? You are coming from his place." He asked in a low voice, something he does when he is angry.