In Jail

Miriam's POV

After Miriam called to let me know she has been arrested, I immediately rushed into my car and drove down to the police station. 

On my way there I called blessing and Laurel and told them to come meet me at the station. I didn't know the reason she was arrested, whomever was with her when she called, had snatched the phone from her and ended the call before she could finish talking to me. So I would have to find out when I get to the station.

When I got to there, Miriam has been put behind bars, so I had to talk to her from there as the officers won't open the cell for her to come, claiming she is dangerous.

She had a huge cut on her forehead which was no longer bleeding but had blood clot on it, there were other tiny cuts on her both arms, the neck of her blouse was torn.

"Miriam what happened?" I asked in horror as I looked at her.

"I and Oscar had a fight and I stabbed him." She cried out.
