
Louisa's POV

During my lunch break I met with Aminu in a restaurant for us to have lunch together, and also talk about the lawyer he wants to get for Miriam.

"Baby you look stressed, did you sleep at all last night?" Aminu looked concerned for me.

I sighed. "To be honest I didn't sleep much, I kept thinking about Miriam and all what she has been through in the hands of that guy. Did you see the video of her they posted online?"

"Yeah I did, I'm really sorry about that." Aminu said.

"It isn't your fault. I'm just wondering how she will be feeling right now. I'm wondering what would be going through her head. What if she ends up going to prison because of this?"

I couldn't help but think of the possibility of her going to prison.

Aminu reached across the table and held my hand, "don't say that, she won't go to prison. You have to optimistic."