Not Going To Prison

Miriam's POV

Every movement I made was accompanied by serious pains, my back and my arms were aching me so badly I felt like crying.

As I got to the door of the bedroom and about to go inside, I heard Laurel whispering something about a video to Louisa and Blessing, I decided to pause and know what video she was talking about.

"Wait so this person actually made this video with him lying there and bleeding? Instead them to rush him to the hospital, they were busy making videos! How do people even think?" I head Blessing say. Even if she was trying her best to speak in a hushed tone, I could still tell she was angry.

"And why were they even hitting her? For God's sake didn't they know he was always abusing her? Or would they say they have never heard nor seen Oscar hit her?" That was Louisa's voice.

I didn't need to hear anymore to know that the video they were watching, was the one Oscar's neighbors made of me after they found out I stabbed him.