Dropping Charges

Miriam's POV

The moment Oscar heard that I have been recording our conversation, he suddenly became pale.

"You did what?" He asked me, shock written all over his face.

"I have been recording our conversation." I showed him my phone which I have been holding in my hand as we were talking.

I stopped it from recording, and then played our recorded conversation for him to hear.

I paused the recording, "so before you think about pressing charges, I want you to remember that I have a record of our conversation and I don't have to tell you that you just gave yourself away in our conversation. Oscar I won't hesitate to present this in court, and even post it on social media for everyone to listen to."

He tried to take the phone from me but I quickly stepped away from his reach. "Uh.. uh you don't get to do that."

"You can't post that on social media! I warn you, do not post it."