What Is Good For The Goose

Oscar's elder sister walked towards us with a stiff threatening gait, like she was coming for a fight.

"There she is, the evil witch who tried to kill my brother." She repeated for the second time.

I and Rachel didn't always get along while I was dating her brother. For some reason best known to her she didn't approve of our relationship, she didn't like me and never failed to show how much she hated me. And with everything that is going on, she really has a valid reason to hate me now.

"Rachel it's good to see you again." I calmly said to her.

She scoffed in disgust, "I wish I could say same, but I am not a pretender like you!"

"Rachel what do you want?" I asked her, ignoring her snide remark.

She gave out a malicious laugh. "What do I want? After trying to send my brother to an early grave she is asking me what I want."

She walked closer to me so we were standing face to face.