Just Friends

During my lunch break I was at Laurel's father's company, to help my dad pick up some documents when I ran into Laurel.

"Hey stranger." She walked up to me with a smile on her face.

"Hi Laurel what's up?" We hugged briefly.

"I'm good, what are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I actually came to get some documents for my dad, he said your dad would give them to me."

"Oh that, my dad gave the documents to me, he had to leave for some important meeting. I actually thought your father was coming to get them himself."

"Yeah he was, but something came up and he asked me to pick them up for him."

I knew my dad didn't have any other plans, he just wanted me to come get the documents myself, so I could meet Laurel.

"Okay please come with me." She turned and walked back in the direction she was earlier coming from.

I followed her as she invited me into a spacious and well decorated office.