Beauty In Sunset

Laurel's POV

I was still on the floor lamenting about how Bankole didn't want to be with me, when Louisa came back from work.

"Laurel what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be working late, and why is your face like that?" She asked, as she came and sat down beside me.

"I'm heartbroken." I mumbled.

"She is mourning because Bankole told her they can't date, and that he sees her as just a friend." Miriam explained to Louisa.

"Is that why she is looking like this?" Louisa asked with no form of empathy in her voice. "So you are still hooked on this Bankole guy?"

"Louisa I just got friend zoned, could you at least be a little empathetic?"

She hissed, "you didn't just get friend zoned, you have always been in the guy's friend zone, but you just didn't want to accept it. The guy says he doesn't want you, so move on." She collected my spoon from me and joined us in eating the ice cream.