I Have A Girlfriend

As Banks's lips brushed against mine, I felt a little bit nervous at first, but that feeling was replaced with warmth as I leaned into the kiss, and I felt my body slowly relaxing against his. His lips were still sweet with orange, from the juice he just had.

Banks had a pleased look on his face as we both pulled away from the kiss, and he placed his forehead on mine. "Have you made up your mind now, or you still want to think about it?" He asked me. His warm breath fanned the tip of my nose.

With my hands still on his chest, I pretended to be in thought for a moment, before shaking my head. "Emm no, I still can't decide."

"Oh well, maybe this will help speed up your decision process."

He kissed the corner of my lips and then went down to the little exposed area on my neck, and then my earlobe which is one of my erogenous zones. As his teeth grazed my earlobe I started giggling.

"Funny huh?"