Listen To Your Mother

The moment I told my mother that I had a girlfriend, her countenance changed. First she looked disappointed and then angry. She stopped eating her food and just kept looking at me.

"Mummy what is it? Why is your face like that?" I asked her.

She pushed her food aside and washed her hands. "Bankole I'm talking to you about Laurel and you are telling me you have a girlfriend, which girl is that?"

"Mummy you don't know her."

"Is she more beautiful than our Laurel that you had to choose her?" She asked me with anger in her eyes.

I didn't respond to her question.

"Just some weeks ago you told me you weren't seeing anyone, now all of a sudden you have a girlfriend."

I raised my head to look at her, "mummy what do you want from me? I remember you were the one who kept asking me why I wasn't seeing someone. Now I'm seeing someone and you have a problem with it?"

"I don't have a problem with you seeing someone."