Make You Feel Safe

Louisa's POV

When Aminu told me he wanted me to meet his mom I didn't feel excited about it like most ladies would, not because I didn't want to meet his mother but for several other reasons.

This was the same way Adams introduced me to his family and told everyone of them, that I was the woman he wanted to marry. And then he ended up getting another woman pregnant, and married her instead.

I'm really scared of going through same thing with Aminu. They say; 'once bitten twice shy' and I'm not going to repeat same mistake twice.

"Even if we are in this for the long run, I really think we should put a pause on you introducing me to your mother or even any other member of your family for now. Maybe later but not now."

I said to him, with my eyes focused on my plate of food.

Aminu was calm for a while, he didn't say anything. But I could tell he was looking at me, I didn't want to look at him so I kept looking at my plate.