Let's Dance

Laurel's POV

I remained in Aminu's arms, with my head still resting against his chest, and his arms around me. I could hear the rhythm of his heart beat.

"I don't like it when you cry, and it hurts me even more because it's because of what he did to you." Aminu said to me in a calm voice.

"I'm no longer crying, and I promise I won't cry again because of him."

He leaned back a little so he could have a good look at my face. "I am sorry you had to go through everything you went through in his hands." His eyes were gentle, and so was his voice.

"No need to apologise, it wasn't your fault." I replied.

"I know, but still I'm sorry." His hand reached out to smooth a lock of hair behind my ear.

We both continued to look into each other's eyes and I slowly pulled his head down to mine and kissed him.