Someone From The Past

Blessing's POV

Few minutes later Banks and Isaiah came back with our drinks and I still couldn't get myself to stop looking at Isaiah, it was as if I was looking at a ghost. I kept wondering what he was doing back in Lagos, and how he ended up being Bankole's friend. Of all the people in Lagos he had to be Bankole's friend.

When we parted ways he swore he was never going to step foot in Lagos again, as it held too many bitter memories for him.

Seeing him again after all these while, it made me realize that I still had feelings for him. I know I shouldn't be thinking of him that way especially because I am with Banks now. But I'm looking at him and all I can remember is all the good times we both had together before things went South.

How he managed to keep a straight face acting like we have never known each other before, was surprising to me.

"Babe?" Banks called me, as he gently touched my arm, snapping me out of my thoughts.