Not So much Of A Saint

That night after Banks dropped me off I couldn't sleep, I kept stirring and turning in my bed as thoughts of what made Isaiah to break off our engagement, kept coming to mind.

I spent a better part of the night thinking of what to do, whether or not I should tell Banks about my past with Isaiah, or I should just keep quiet just like Isaiah suggested.

Banks is a nice guy and last thing I want, is to build this relationship on lies. If I were to be in his shoes I would prefer to be told, if my partner was once my close friend's ex.

The next morning I dressed up and went to church with the hope of talking to Louisa and the rest about it, but Laurel was the one who came to church. Miriam and Louisa were both absent.

"Did Louisa or Miriam tell you they weren't going to be coming to church?" I asked Laurel at the close of service.

"No they didn't." Laurel replied.