Being Unreasonable

The curiosity on Laurel's face as she asked for Banks's job, made me a little worried.

"What does this your boyfriend do, I mean what does he do for a living?" Laurel asked again, as she adjusted her sitting position, waiting for my reply, her curiosity obviously piqued.

"Umm.. he is a tech guy, why?" I asked her.

Louisa turned to look at Laurel "Is that Bankole guy not into tech as well?"

"Yes he is." Laurel replied as she seemed to be thinking about something.

"Wait are you girls thinking same thing I'm thinking?" Louisa asked all of us.

Could I and Laurel have fallen for same guy? Is Banks the same Bankole she has always talked about and has a crush on? I certainly hope not.

"No it can't be, there are so many tech guys in Lagos with the name Bankole." Miriam said, but looking at her eyes I could tell she was having same thought just like the rest of us.