You Deserve The Best

As Laurel stormed out of Louisa's apartment all angry and cussing, I stood up and ran after her. "Laurel please wait! Laurel!" I called after her as she continued to walk away.

"Laurel please wait." I pleaded.

She spun around, "what is it? What do you want?"

Her eyes bore so much hatred for me it made me wonder why she was so pissed at me for something that wasn't even my fault.

"You have succeeded in taking Bankole away from me, what else do you want from me?" She barked at me.

"Laurel why are you acting this way? Why are you making it seem like I knew he was the same guy you liked and still went after him? I have already told you, I didn't know he was the same guy!"

"Fine I believe you, so break up with him." She folded her arms staring at me.

"Don't you think you are taking this too far? You asking me to break up with him is you just being unreasonable and...and selfish! He doesn't even want you."