
I was in my sitting room watching a football game, when my sister who had come over to my place for the weekend, walked into the sitting room smiling sheepishly.

"So when are you going to introduce her to me?" I heard her say.

I took my attention off the game to look at her, "introduce you to who?"

"Her of course, when are you going to introduce us?"

"What are you talking about? Who is her, doesn't the person have a name?"

"How am I supposed to know her name if you don't tell me? I'm talking about the girl that you are dating. When are you going to introduce me to her."

"Introduce you to her as what?"

"As your baby sister of course, or are you hiding her?"

"Slyvia please leave me alone." I went back to watching the game.

"That's how you want to do abi? You are not even going to tell me her name or even show me a picture of what she looks like?" She pretended to seem offended.