Didn't See That Coming

Bankole's POV

As I felt Blessing's body go tense, I looked down at her face and saw she looked really scared.

"Baby what is it? What do you want to tell me that's making you look so scared?" I calmly asked her.

She sighed and slowly removed my hand from her shoulders and sat away from me.


"I really don't know how to tell you this." She was no longer looking at my eyes.

"Then just say it."

She began fidgeting. "Banks I don't know how you are going to take the next thing that I have to say to you."

"What is it? Just go on and say it." I held her chin so she was looking at me. I could see the fear in her eyes, the way she fiddled with her fingers and was nervously shaking her legs.

"Babe just breathe okay? Breathe..."