
Miriam's POV

I wasn't surprised to hear Liam say I needed to see a shrink, I have thought about doing so myself. But I didn't want to, because then it would mean I'm admitting that I have a mental problem.

"I'm sorry if that wasn't what you want to hear, but it's the truth." Liam said as he noticed the look on my face.

"A shrink? Is that what my life has turned into? Me needing to see a shrink?" I buried my face in my hands. I hated the idea of going to see a shrink because I have always believed it was people were going mad who needed to see one.

"Seeing a shrink isn't a bad thing." I felt Liam's arm around me.

"It is bad, my life has gotten so bad that I need to see a shrink. Oh God!" I groaned into my palm.

"Hey, a shrink as you like to call it, is also a doctor. So this is you just getting medical help."