For The Road

I was in the kitchen doing the dishes when Miriam came back from her date with Liam.

"Hello there." She said to me with a wide smile on her face.

"Hmm I take it your date went well?" I asked her as she went to get herself some water to drink from the fridge.

"What makes you think so?" She asked me.

"Well for one you are smiling, and you looked really nervous when you were leaving earlier, though I wasn't expecting you to return so soon."

She leaned against the kitchen counter as she drank her water.

"So are you going to tell me about the date?"

She placed the glass of water on the kitchen counter. "It wasn't a date, we are just friends."

"Hmmm." With the look on her face I could tell there was something she wasn't telling me. "Indeed you are just friends, I never said you were enemies."

"Lou I'm serious, we are just friends and nothing more."