No Hard Feelings

Blessing's POV

It's been over two days since I and Blessing had a fight, and she ended up breaking up with me. Ever since then I have tried several times to reach her on the phone, but she wouldn't take my calls. I knew she was upset with me and she had every right to be. I intended making things right with her, I plan on going over to apartment at the close of work.

I also needed to have a chat with Laurel. I needed to clear the air between us, I didn't like the way we both parted ways the last time we saw. And I also didn't like the fact that she was no longer talking to Blessing because of me.

At mid-day just as I was about to step out for lunch, my mother called me. "Hello mummy good afternoon ma." I greeted her over the phone.

"Good afternoon my son, how are you today?" I could tell she was in a good mood, for she sounded cheerful.

"I'm fine thank you mum, I hope your day is going fine?"