Karma Is A Bitch

Louisa's POV

I was shocked to my bones when I immediately remembered where I had met Aminu's mother.

Although she is looking a little thinner than the time I saw her and her skin looks about two to three shades darker than I remember it, I guess it's because of the stroke she recently suffered. But she is definitely the same woman, how could anyone forget this face? And that voice which carried so much authority, like she went to school specifically to learn how to speak.

"With the look on your face, I take it that you have remembered me?" Aminu's mother asked me in a very calm tone. If she was angry, it didn't reflect on her face.

"Ma I....." I opened my mouth to speak, but my lips just kept moving with no tangible word coming out.

Aminu came back into the bedroom carrying a tray with soft drinks and some biscuits in it.

"Here you go." He placed a stool in front of me and placed the tray on it.

"Thanks." I managed to my lips to say.