Being Careful

Laurel's POV

"I don't know what you are talking about, I only joined that app to make new friends and not to join some orgy group," I said to Lilian, as I thought of a way to save myself from this mess.

"Well since you are already here you might as well just join the party," Lilian said with a shrug.

"You and who is joining which stupid party,?" I asked her in annoyance, "come you this girl, you had better tell that guy who locked the door that he should come open it so I can leave." I made sure to look very serious so Lilian would know I wasn't joking, it was no use acting timid, I'm going to leave here and they can't hold me against my will.

"You want to leave, so what happens to the guy who is supposed to be your partner? In case you didn't notice every other person is already paired up," Lilian asked me.

Her question made me feel like smacking her face, how was that supposed to be my business? He can be paired up with the couch for all I care.