No longer Afraid

Miriam's POV

After my session with my therapist, I went back to Louisa's place freshened up and decided to visit Liam.

When he came to open his door for me, he was putting just shorts, he wasn't putting on a shirt and his skin looked damp.

"Hey come on in," he flashed a smile that always makes me weak in the knee.

"Hi, good evening," I managed to say as I continued to stare at his broad chest that looked like it was asking for my hands to be on it.

"I just got out of the shower," he explained to me as he noticed my eyes were on his chest.

"Oh I see," I gulped, slowly tearing my eyes away from him and focused them on the floor instead.

"Please have a seat I will be with you shortly I need to cream my body," he said to me.