My brain at the same time of spinning in circles, repeating the words in my head, was also completely, dead silent.
"What are you doing Saturday?"
I'm sure I made a stupid face, but I wasn't even paying attention. I felt like a computer from the 70's, my brain slowly processing the words she had thrown my way.
What did she mean? Did she want to go study or something? Maybe she wanted help with an essay on something? Dumbass, you have the same English class, there's no essay. What could she possibly want to do with my Saturday?
Unless... Maybe she wanted to be real friends? I'm not that interesting though and she was going to figure that out soon if I accepted. What if I came to like her even more as a person? What if she decides she hates me after I attach? What if she doesn't like me at all but I misinterpret the social cues? What if--
I don't think she would ask if she wasn't already interested. Even if turns out she doesn't like me that much, it was her choice to ask and--
Shit, I should let the woman explain why rather than panicking--
I buried my head in my hands, too embarrassed to show my face.
"Yes! I'm free," I said, most likely muffled by my sweater. I hope she doesn't mind that it took 6 years to come up with 3 words.
"Uhm, well I suppose that's an answer even though I asked what you were doing..."
I died right there. My gravestone would be in the school hall, right outside English. It would say "Ellis Hunting, the non-binary weirdo who never really talked to anyone and answered yes to a multiple word question".
"But, anyways, would you be interested in possibly going to the library with me...?"
Harri looked perfect in this moment. My hands fell from my face to burn the image into my mind. The window from up above shone with sunlight, which was a total cliche and it probably wasn't even that flattering, but her unnatural, purple hair shone a glimmer that seemed to light her up like a christmas tree. She was smiling and there was a certain radiance that came with her smile and the slight blush she maintained. Everything moved in slow-motion and all I could think about was how it would feel to be closer to her. Close enough to smell her and her beautifully girly perfume. Close enough to hug her and feel the soft sweater she wore. Close enough to feel her soft lips on mine...
"Oh my god um... I got-got-gotta go to the bathroom," I panicked and ran down the hall into the nearest bathroom, not really paying attention to the gender of the bathroom. I nearly cried as I sank down on the wall. I was feeling an array of emotions that didn't make sense to me. I was so embarrassed and I wanted to touch her in ways I've never thought about participating in. It never made sense to me. Why now of all time was I suddenly into her? Why now of all time was she suddenly interested in me??
A toilet flushed and I looked up at the sign above me to see the men's room sign. Shit. The vice principal walked out of one of the stalls and I freaked out. I stood up so quickly, I nearly passed out, but I didn't because that would just make this all worse.
"Young lady! What are you doing in here?!" Mr. Yeller asked in a coincidentally, yelling voice.
"I, uhh--" I was about to meltdown. I could feel it.
"Sir, they're non-binary. They may go into whatever bathroom they find comfortable," Harri's voice echoed from the entrance of the bathroom. I looked back at her and I finally broke. I cried. I cried silent tears because I was overwhelmed and Harri was a pure knight in shining armor. Harri was too perfect and I knew at this moment that I was going to crash and crash hard. I was about to fall head over heels for this girl and there was nothing I could do about it. I wiped my tears as they individually fell, but I wasn't keeping them in.
"Non-binary, non-schminary, you aren't allowed in this bathroom, and I'm giving you both a detention for Sunday," He flipped his collar and walked out of the bathroom, eyeing us both. I hid my face, trying not to look at Harri. I was extra ugly when I cried.
"Joke's on him, I already had detention for Sunday," Harri laughed. I smiled and looked at her. She was so vibrant. I wiped my face, trying to swipe the sadness away from my features. Harri moved towards me and her put her arms around me. I basked in the hug until she let go, gingerly wrapping my arms around her midsection. She was so warm. The type of warm you feel on a sunny, but slightly cold. The moment when you wake up on that morning perfectly content because you are under a soft, weighted blanket that keeps your body at the perfect temperature. That's what hugging her felt like. Pure bliss.
"What for?" I smiled at her as the hug ended.
"Oh, for standing up for you. Apparently "liberal snowflakes" get detention around here," She laughed.
"That's twice you've gotten detention for me. Also, I would love to meet with you Saturday," I grinned. She gave an infectious smile back to me and I was perfectly happy. My emotions and life may have just spiralled, but right now, I was happy. I didn't think about anything but her.
"Great! Text me when you get home so we can figure out the details! And, you're worth two detentions. I don't regret a minute of it," She jumped, blushing and being vibrant. She grabbed my hand and led me out of the bathroom, and we walked down the hallway, not holding hands, but our hands so close, they brushed against each other everytime one of us moved. We waved goodbye as I left for the bus line and her the pickup line.
I stood quietly in my spot, but internally, she was all I could think about. Everything about her was vibrant. She brought color into my monotone life. No one else has ever done that. I forget almost everyone's face, but Harri's face was burned into my mind. To think that I've known this girl since 7th grade but somehow everything for me changed in a singular day.
Now that, was a wild thought.