Chapter 17 - Conversation at the Afterlife

Kiyoshi opened his eyes, only to find out everything around him are peaceful in terms of environment. It seems that he was at the countryside in the hills with some trees scattered about. It was the afterlife, and he had died in the hands of Daku Kamada a few moments ago. Puzzled and confused he got up and walked towards the dirt path, seeing his surroundings being so peaceful.

"Where am I?" he wondered himself in curiosity. Then, suddenly, he stopped when he looked at two people at a distance. They were looking at the setting sun on a bridge as the river below flows beautifully. And it seems that those two people, turns out to be a couple, are in their traveling clothes, with the woman's light blue coat having a few tear marks. Her light brown hair adds a beauty into scene in the afterlife, with her husband, in his businessman's clothes complete with a plain green necktie, holding her hand as they watch the sunset in eternity. Upon seeing those descriptions, Kiyoshi became familiar with their hair colors, before realizing that couple was his parents, who had died years ago.

"Is that, mom and dad?" Kiyoshi commented to himself in his mind and in surprise. He then approached them slowly with caution. And upon turning around towards their son, the couple became surprised that Kiyoshi had died as well, like them, and they hugged him with tears, both of joy and sadness. Upon being hugged by his worrying and loving parents, Kiyoshi starts to shed tears of sadness.

"Mom, dad, is... is that you?" he asked them tearfully. Then, with a manful voice, his father spoked to him, "It's us, Kiyoshi, it's us. We're very sorry for not being able to be with you. Something unfortunate had happened to me and your mother."

"I am so sorry for you, too," his mother added in sadness and worry. "We couldn't be with you. But in spite of that, we always love you." This follows with a short silence.

"So, did you read the letters and books we had left for you?" Kiyoshi's mother asked breaking of silence. Kiyoshi then think for a while, before answering, "Yes, those things had been my guide for a very long time ever since you and dad passed away."

"Yes, those are the only ones we could do to take care of you just in case we are gone," his father responded back in admitting. I Understanding his father's intentions being good and useful for him and his future, Kiyoshi became a bit emotional, "I see. That's why I can't give up and became so well in taking care of myself. But, I'll tell you how and why I am here." He then told his parents how he had died, as well his expression of being dead.

A few minutes later, his loving parents were shocked at Kiyoshi's testimony and revelation. Kiyoshi, now in tears of being dead, said to them, "Yeah, but why? Why I had to be dead? I tried to resist, but that guy was too good to lure and manipulate me into his deadly trap. I really wanted a good future, but, why my life had to be interrupted?" He then started to sob and mourn for his past life. And then, understanding his emotions, his parents hugged him, telling him that dying was a natural part of human life. But, Kiyoshi was too focused on his negative emotions of dying young and inability to achieve his dreams.

"It's okay, Kiyoshi, you can be with us for eternity," his father comforted him very well. "We will play together, watch the sunset together, and read books together. You want to do those stuff with us?"

"Yes, but...I-I cannot leave my friends behind," replied Kiyoshi, still in the chains of emotions, "I want to hang out with them, study, and work so I could be what I want to be." His mother then wiped Kiyoshi's tears with her white handkerchief while comforting him still.

"Well, if you're lucky to survive, then good luck to your life," his mother tried to cheer him up as she stroke Kiyoshi's sad face. "Good luck to living to the fullest."

Then, suddenly, a portal in the shape of a doorway, appeared next to the riverbank, opening its doors back to the living world, a sign that there is still hope and a rare chance to live again. The light was shining very bright and emits from it for a few meters. And upon seeing that, the family is very surprised with delight, as if they knew it was a gateway to the living world. The portal then called Kiyoshi's name repeatedly, and with that, Kiyoshi's parents turned towards him and told him to go back and live, also telling him to visit their graves in the future. Seeing the opportunity for his wishes, Kiyoshi turned towards his parents, positively nodded in agreement, turned his attention to the gateway, and go for the portal, running in pity happiness as he believed that he had a second chance to live. And as his parents cheered him up in support, Kiyoshi finally entered the portal, bringing him back to the living world. No, his story isn't over nor ended.