Chapter 16 - Now a Trap

4 minutes later, as Daku kept hunting for him with a knife in his hand, Kiyoshi was terrified, thinking in this mind, "Why it had to be me? I don't want to be end up like that guy at 2-A. I didn't done anything to deserve this." Daku then started to ask the youngster where he is repeatedly as his black leather shoes made a thudding, scary noise across the empty restroom. And then, he started to kick open the stall doors in an attempt to find him, but with every failed attempt his instincts as a killer is getting more intensive and scarier. As the hunt gets more closer and closer, Kiyoshi starts to think that his life will be over once he was killed. That dark thought causes him to succumb to his negative emotions, losing hope for the future as he crutch and lean against the toilet, as well as feeling the fast beating of his heart.

Then finally, the game was over. Daku finally found him with a scary smile as his knife pointed towards Kiyoshi, showing his magenta eyes.

"I found you," he said to him with a psycho smile and a haunting, scary tone. Kiyoshi was scared more and more, but there's no escape for him. Then, with a smile, Daku drove forward his weapon and stabbed Kiyoshi in the chest to death. Feeling the pain of being stabbed, Kiyoshi was stunned for the first few seconds, and then he screamed in pain. As Daku pulled out his now bloody knife off, Kiyoshi collapsed to the ground as he started to bleed in big amounts and stain the tile floors. The blood also stained Kiyoshi's black uniform.

"Die," Daku told him coldly as he kept his scary smile.

"Why would you do this to me?" Kiyoshi asked him weakly as he cough blood from his mouth.

"Because I hate you," Daku answered coldly with an even more scary look on his face. But then, Kiyoshi was unable to answer back due to the pain, so he closed his eyes and died in vain as Daku starts to laugh in victory as a psychopathic killer. But, will Kiyoshi survive this? Or not, will his story end?