Chapter 15 - Something Before a Trap

One Tuesday afternoon, after school was done, Kiyoshi was walking to his restaurant job, when Daku Kamada, dressed in the same clothes as the one who stalked Kiyoshi, showed up in front of the young man with a charming-like attitude.

"Hello there," he greeted Kiyoshi in style. Upon noticing him, Kiyoshi was perplexed by unusual behavior in public, asking him in response, "What the...? What are you doing?"

"Wanna play with me?" Daku asked him with an offer. "A game of hide-and-seek with me."

"What? Play with you?" replied Kiyoshi back with confusion. "You're too old for that."

"Come on, I'm lonely, you know," Daku responded back with a dramatic act. "When I was a child, no one would play with me." No one was in that street at that time, so no one raised a suspicion of Daku.

"Really? But I had work," Kiyoshi objected in response, "can we just play at another time?" But Daku's acting kept insisting Kiyoshi to play with him. So finally, Kiyoshi sighed in annoyance and agree to play with Daku, prompting Daku to stop acting. After all that, Daku led Kiyoshi to his building home, with Kiyoshi following him. This was a trap for Kiyoshi.

Later at 5:27 p.m., they arrived at the abandoned building, and head straight to the restroom, which was dark, neglected, and overall dirty. They then stopped a few meters from the doorway, with Daku asking him if he and Kiyoshi start the game. But Kiyoshi felt very uncomfortable in that dirty and creepy environment, and became hesitant, saying to the dark grey-haired man, "Um, this is really uncomfortable for me, so I'll be leaving and play with you next time." But before Kiyoshi would even enter the doorway out, Daku quickly stopped him and responded with a creepy, psychopathic voice, "Don't go, Kiyoshi-kun." upon hearing him calling his name, Kiyoshi was terrified responding with, "H-How did you know my name?" Turning around towards him, Daku replied back with a scary demeanor, "Research, of course."

"About random people like me?" Kiyoshi replied back.

"Random?" responded Daku back sarcastically. "I don't do random. I chose you."

"For this game?" Kiyoshi replied in response. Daku then nodded to say yes. Because of this Kiyoshi he was unable to leave or escape. And then, Daku said to him, "And because of what you did, it's time for me to punish you."

"With what?" Kiyoshi asked back terrifyingly. Looking at him, Daku responded back, "You'll find out, but for now, shall we begin the game?" With no other options or any choices, Kiyoshi agreed with him to start the game, leaving his school bag beside.

Moments later, Daku positioned himself next to the walls, and told Kiyoshi to hide somewhere while he counts from 1 to 10. Kiyoshi then agreed with him and quickly hide somewhere further in the restroom, eventually found a toilet stall much farther from the sink. Once he shut the door, he squaed next to the dirty toilet and became scared and terrified, hypothesizing that this game with that man was a trick. Once he had counted from 1 to 10, Daku starts to search for him, saying, "Ready or not, here I come!" Now, Kiyoshi is in a trap set by Daku for his brutal crime.