Chapter 20 - A Peaceful Confrontation

Of course, he didn't know where he lived, so he hypothesized that he must be in the abandoned restroom where he almost died. Luckily, he still remembered the abandoned building he and Sachio saw months ago.

After a brief train ride, Kiyoshi revisited the abandoned building to see if Daku lived there. But, he saw that many homeless people also lived in its interior and exterior, cooking, sleeping, cleaning, and even doing simple labor. And as he passed through a passage full of wretched outcasts, Kiyoshi wonders in his mind, "So many people lived here, but why this building was abandoned in the first place?" He will answer that mysterious question in the future.

After some searching and asking, Kiyoshi finally found Daku's home, which was an old apartment unit, with simple, home furniture. The source of water and electricity was mysteriously providing this small, one-man home, while most of the home units of the outcasts doesn't have any, or the supply was too scarce.

"Is this it?" Kiyoshi asked in his mind in mild skepticism. But anyway, he knocked on the door and asked if anyone was home. But, there is no answer, as if either no one is home or the occupant didn't want to answer. And then, Kiyoshi responded for the second time, but yet there is no answer. So, curious, Kiyoshi opened the door, revealing that it was unlock. Then, standing from the doorway with the sunlight shining across the darkened room sat Daku Kamada, who was on an old desk chair smoking and listening to music in his smartphone. He was in a down mood, as if he wasn't that scary or violent. Then, seeing his killer, Kiyoshi was shock while standing there from the doorway, and now the puzzles seem to fit together. And then, moments later, stuttering, Kiyoshi spoke up to him, "Um, excuse me, are you the tenant of this place or something?"

Suddenly, Daku heard him, turning his head towards the green-haired young man as he hold his cigarette. The smoke from the cigarette goes up to the ceiling, while the knife was just a few inches away from the edge of the office desk. He then responded to him, "Huh? Oh, it's just you, Kiyoshi-kun." He then went back to his habits, not even noticing that Kiyoshi was watching his habits.

"Um, are you okay, sir?" Kiyoshi asked in puzzling confusion. Daku then looked at him for the second time, and responded, "Yes." He then went back to his habits for the second time

Again, Kiyoshi looking at his doing, but this time, he is concerned about his well-being. But then, he remembered the business coat he still owned, and upon realizing it, he handed it to Daku and said, "Here, I believed this is yours." Upon seeing his black business coat, Daku objected back, "It's yours now. I don't need it anymore." But Kiyoshi insisted that it was his, and, annoyed by Kiyoshi's persuasion, Daku grabbed his knife and pointed it towards Kiyoshi, with the distance between sharp edge of the knife and Kiyoshi's neck being only 10 inches apart. Will this conversation be settled down peacefully, and who will go first?